Monday, 10 October 2011

D'oh (again)

Not doing so well at keeping up this blog. I keep forgetting to take photos of things with my camera, and the camera on my phone is a slowly expanding cloud of silicon dust. :p So, as a result, I've been forgetting to update the blog as well. :(

I'm in Barcelona at the moment, so I'll mostly be updating once a day, possible the following morning regarding the previous day.

I actually ended up skipping breakfast and lunch yesterday. D'oh. Made up for it at dinner, though.

We went to the new branch of Mussol at Las Arenas, which is a high-quality chain specialising in Catalan cuisine. Our starter was asparagus and Romesco sauce, which is a bit like a slightly spicy nut butter made with almonds, pine nuts and hazelnuts. Very tasty (and fortunately not too much sauce :p).

My main was a selection of Catalunyan meats and cheeses, which was cheating slightly with the cheese, but I couldn't really have anything else on the menu as everything here seems to come with potatoes. :p

My desert, on the other hand, was a definite Bad Ben No Cookie moment. Four dark chocolate Mariano truffels. Omnomnom. But bad. :p

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Thursday, 6 October 2011


Skipped breakfast. Bad ben. Lunch is a naked burrito without the rice. Omnomnom. I got the pork filling this time.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Cheat day noms

Well, lunch was a bottle of 7up and a chicken Caesar bagel.

Dinner was at Belgo Centraal on Shelton Street.

I had this:

Three of these:


And this:

Best bit? The air conn dripped condensation into my mussels, so I got a new bowl, and the drinks were free! Yay! :D


I think I need to write "take photos!!" on the fridge door, as I've forgotten //again//!!

Had cheese on toast today (first cheat day :p). And I was 17 st 5 lbs this morning, so slightly down on yesterday, but not massively. :/ Oh well!

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Fronion soup with lentils in it


(Edit: Terrible lighting!)


I'm not doing very well at this remembering to post thing, am I? ;)

I just had eggs for breakfast this morning. Wasn't really all that hungry. Also, I was 17st 6lbs when I weighed myself this morning, which is annoying, as I was 17st 4lbs - 8lbs down from when I started the diet! >.<

Oh well.

I'm going to make the lentil soup thing in a bit. It's a good job I actually like lentils!

Now to find some bacon…

Monday, 3 October 2011


Forgot to photo breakfast and lunch. I had a burrito in a box with the rice swapped for mixed vegetables for lunch, and breakfast was the same as yesterday: egg whites with spinach.

Sunday, 2 October 2011


Cod with chilli and paprika with spinach. :)

Late lunch

Lentils, cauliflower, spinach, and rosbif. Added a tiny bit of Cross and Blackwell Browning to add some flavour, with a few teaspoons of smoked paprika. Omnomnom!

Breakfast, day 4

Well, this is somewhat late. ;) I overslept by about 5 hours as I didn't get to sleep until 4am. (The Witcher 2 is a great game, BTW. ;) ) However, I've found that, regardless of the time I wake up, the egg is the best thing to have for breakfast. The first day I had a proper lunch (the dhaal thing) instead, and I didn't feel anywhere near as energetic as I have since I started eating the eggs and spinach for breakfast. Must be the amount of protein in them. :)

ION, I've lost at least 6 lbs since Thursday morning. Unfortunately, I didn't take a measurement then, and if I compare to the night before, I lost 9 lbs. :o

Saturday, 1 October 2011


Steak with cauliflower and spinach. :)

Edit: That didn't work so well, TBH. Most of the veg went into the bin. Self-note: Mustard powder needs something to go with it, and it doesn't go well with the wrong coating. (Seaweed and dill... D'oh! Picked up the wrong pot.)


Pork with mixed veg :) Tasty hot paprika added to the pan to add some flavour.

Next breakfast

Same as yesterday, minus the beans. Incidentally, I'm 17st 7.5lbs this morning. O.o